Dispatch calls for Inside Construction on
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Re-sign is between the 10th and the 16th of each month.
The Job's Board is updated by 5:00pm each day. Information is current at that time, please check the board for updated information. Prior to this time the Office does not have updated information about the numbers of Calls available. Thanks.
To bid for a Call: After 5:00pm, call 208-343-4861, Option 0 - Leave only your name, phone number, and the call you're bidding for in the message.
0 Calls Available for Inside Construction – Electrical
Idaho State Journeyman License required for ALL JW calls
Licensing INFO (208)334-3233 OR
The last long call went to # 14 on Book #3.
The last Short Call went to #26 on Book #2.
Journeyman Wireman
Cupertino Electric
5/8'sworking 5/10's Meta Site
Pre-hire drug test required on site, Acceptable & valid I-9 documentation is REQUIRED.
$100/daily incentive w/an additional $50 per day kicker if all available OT is worked for the week. All OT will be paid at double time.
Accepting a provisional license/ proof of obtaining a license
Journeyman Wireman
Cupertino Electric
Foreman By Name Matthew Wight. 5/8'sworking 5/10's Meta Site
Pre-hire drug test required on site, Acceptable & valid I-9 documentation isREQUIRED.
$100/daily incentive w/an additional $50 per day kicker if all available OT is worked for the week. All OT will be paid at double time.
Accepting a provisional license/ proof of obtaining a license
Journeyman Wireman
VECA Electric
Foreman By Name Kevin Brovetto. 5/8's working 5/10's
PLA project with background check required.
Valid drivers' license, Pre-hire drug/alcohol testing, OSHA 30, Acceptable and valid I-9 documentation Required.
Accepting a provisional license/ proof of obtaining a license.
Journeyman Wireman
Mass Electric
5/10's call Micron Site.
PLA project w/ Bid doc background check Required.
Valid drivers' license, Pre-hire drug/alcohol testing, Osha 10 preferred within 5 years.
First Aid/ Airborne pathogen preferred within 5 years.
Start with 4/8's project onboarding.
Journeyman Wireman
Quality Electric
5/8's Shop Call for Road Work.
Valid drivers' license, Class A CDL required,Heavy equipment operating experience required.
Traffic Signal experience required.
Journeyman Wireman
Quality Electric
This is a non-bargaining position not for referral.
Quality Electric is looking for an experienced Electrical Construction Project Manager/Estimator.
A skill interview is required.
Wage to be determined.
0 Calls Available for Outside Construction – Linework
As of 1/1/23, All outside classifications must either show up @ 8am to sign the day sheet or leave their name and number on the Job line.
The last Journeyman Lineman call went to # 8 on Book 1.
The Last Groundman call went to #34 on Book 4. Weather
The Last Operator call went to # 6 on Book 3.
The Last Fabricator call went to # 1 on .
The Last Journeyman Sub Tech Call went to #4 on Book 9.
4/10's call. Valid drivers' license, Class A CDL, Pre-hire drug/alcohol testing.
Must have extensive experience running a locator for Bore Machine, Vac Truck, Bore Machine.
Must be able to drive 18 speed. A driving test will be given. Tanker endorsement.
National Weather service (Be a Force of Nature) Cert. ADA County erosion control Cert.
0 Calls Available for Limited Energy Construction – VDV
The last long call went to #4 on Book #2.
Re-sign is between the 10th and the 16th of each month.
The Job's Board is updated by 5:00pm each day. Information is current at that time, please check the board for updated information. Prior to this time the Office does not have updated information about the numbers of Calls available. Thanks.
To bid for a Call: After 5:00pm, call 208-343-4861, Option 0 - Leave only your name, phone number, and the call you're bidding for in the message.
The Number of people on each Book is updated on the 17th of the month. No additional information is available regarding the number of people or your individual status on the book. If you have any questions please send an email to the following: Dispatch@Ibew291.org or Jason@Ibew291.org
Construction Books:
Inside Construction Outside Construction Voice/Data/Video
Book One(1): 37 Book One(1): 9 Book One(1): 1
Book Two(2): 65 Book Two(2): 10 Book Two(2): 3
Book Three(3): 14 Booke Three(3): 2 Book Three(3): 11
Book Four(4): 1 Book Four(4): 0 Book Four(4): 0